IchigoJam BASIC reference ver 1.2

Keyboard usage

KeyTo type in character
ShiftThe key to type in symbol charcters with keys
KANA / right ALT / CTRL+Shiftswitch mode Alphabet or Katakana(Roma-ji)
EnterTo execute, to edit
Shift+EnterTo separate a line
ESCTo stop execution, showing a list, showing a file list
Cursor KeyTo move the cursor
BackspaceTo erase a character located before of the cursor
DeleteTo erase a character located on the cursor
left ALTThe key to type in special characters with 0-9/A-K/[] keys
Home, EndTo move the cursor front of line, to move the cursor end of line
Page Up, Page DownTo move the cursor top, to move the cursor bottom
CapsSwitch the capital letters mode or the small letters mode
Insert / CTRL+ALTSwitch the insert mode or overtype mode
Function keysF1:clear screen, F2:LOAD, F3:SAVE, F4:LIST, F5:RUN, F6:?FREE(), F7:OUT0, F8:VIDEO1, F9:FILES
Buttongeneral functions or auto execution mode if you push this button when you turn on.

basic commands

LED numlight on the LED when n equals 1, light off when n equals 0LED 1
WAIT num{,num2}wait n frames (60frame = 1sec) (if num2 eqauls 0 low power consumption mode, if num1 is minus short wait mode -261 same as WAIT1)WAIT 60
:series the commandsWAIT 60:LED 1
linenum commandsmemory commands as line number10 LED1
linenumdelete commands in memory which has the line number10
RUNexecute program in memory [F5]RUN
LIST {linenum1{,linenum2}}show the program in memory [F4] (line num1: show the line, if minus to the line / line num2: show to the line, if 0 to the end / ESC to stop)LIST 10,300
GOTO linenumchange the execution line (it's OK as using variables)GOTO 10
ENDend this programEND
IF num {THEN} command1 {ELSE command2}if num does not equals 0 execute command1, else execute command2 (you can ommit THEN / ELSE)IF BTN() END
BTN({num})return 1 if you push the botton, else 0 (num:0(embeded button)/UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT/SPACE, 0:no num)LED BTN()
NEWdelete all program in the memoryNEW
PRINT {num or strings}write the letter or nunmber to the screen (strings must surround ["], connect pars with [;]) Abbreviation:?PRINT "HI!"
LOCATE x,yset the position to write (if y equals -1 no write mode) Abbreviation:LCLOCATE 3,3
CLSclear the screenCLS
RND(num)return the random number 0 to num - 1PRINT RND(6)
SAVE {num}save the program (num:0-3, 100-227:optional EEPROM, if omit using number)SAVE 1
LOAD {num}load the program (num:0-3, 100-227:optional EEPROM, if omit using number)LOAD
FILES {num1{,num2}}show the file list from num1 to num2 (all if num1 equals 0, ESC to stop)FILES
BEEP {num1{,num2}}sound the BEEP, num1 is period(1-255), num2:length(1/60sec) (you can omit num1 and num2) *to connect the sounder on SOUND(EX2)-GNDBEEP
PLAY {mml}play the music specified mml as MML(Music Macro Language) just PLAY to stop the music *to connect the sounder on SOUND(EX2)-GNDPLAY "$CDE2CDE2"
TEMPO numchange the tempo of playing musicTEMPO 1200
x + yreturn x plus yPRINT 1+1
x - yreturn x minus yPRINT 2-1
x * yreturn x times yPRINT 7*8
x / yreturn integer of x divide yPRINT 9/3
x % yreturn reminder of x divide yPRINT 10%3
(num)return calculate the number in priorityPRINT 1+(1*2)
LET var,numset the number to 1 letter of alphabet as named memory(variable) (series put to the array) Abbreviation:var=numLET A,1
INPUT strings,varset the number to var from keyboard input (you can omit strings and comma)INPUT "ANS?",A
TICK()return the time count from CLT(count up in 1/60sec)PRINT TICK()
CLTclear the time countCLT
INKEY()return from keyboard or UART (0:no input, #100:0 input from UART)PRINT INKEY()
CHR$(num)In PRINT, return the letter string specified the num (you can set series with comma)PRINT CHR$(65)
ASC("string")return the letter code from stringPRINT ASC("A")
SCROLL numscroll the screen (0/UP:up、1/RIGHT:right、2/DOWN:down、3/LEFT:left)SCROLL 2
SCR({x,y})return the letter code located x, y on the screen (if omit x and y, using current position) Alias:VPEEKPRINT SCR(0,0)
x = yreturn 1 if x equals y else 0 (Alias:==)IF A=B LED 1
x <> yreturn 1 if x does not equal y else 0 (Alias:!=)IF A<>B LED 1
x <= yreturn 1 if x <= y, else 0IF A<=B LED 1
x < yreturn 1 if x < y else 0IF A<B LED 1
x >= yreturn 1 if x >= y else 0IF A>=B LED 1
x > yreturn 1 if x < y else 0IF A>B LED 1
x AND yreturn 1 if x and y else 0 (Alias:&&)IF A=1 AND B=1 LED 1
x OR yreturn 1 if x or y else 0 (Alias:||)IF A=1 OR B=1 LED 1
NOT xreturn 1 if x equals 0 else 0 (Alias:!)IF NOT A=1 LED 1
REMnot execute after this command (comment) Abbreviation:'REM START
FOR var=num1 TO num2 {STEP num3} / NEXTset num1 to var, execute the loop to the NEXT until var reach num2 by step num3 (you can omit STEP, nest limit:6)FOR I=0 TO 10:?I
IN({num})return 1 if when input terminal pin is high else 0 (num:0-11 (IN0/1/4/9 pull up, IN5-8,10-11:if switched, IN0,9:button), you can get all states when you omit num)LET A,IN(1)
ANA({num})return the value 0-1023 specified voltage of input terminal (2:IN2, 5-8:IN5-8(OUT1-4), 0,9:BTN, 0:omitted)?ANA()
OUT num1{,num2}output num2 to the output port specified num1 (num1:OUT1-11, you can set all states when you omit num2, if num2 equals -1 the output pot switch into the input port)OUT 1,1
PWM num1,num2{,num3}output num2(0.01msec) length pulse in num3(if omit 2000) period to the output port specified num1 (num1:OUT2-5, OUT2-4 same period)PWM 2,100

MML(Music Macro Language) in PLAY command

tonetone specified a letter from (C D E F G A B) (R is rest, space just skip)CDER FG
tone numsound a tone in num specified length (with . half stretch the length)C4 E2. D1 F32
tone+sound a tone in half tone higherC+ D+
tone-sound a tone in half tone lowerD- E-
Tnset the tempo (you can change with TEMPO command) initial value:120T96CDE
Lndefault length (1,2,3,4,8,16,32) initial value:4CL8DC
Onset the octave from O1C to O5B initial value:3O3CO2C
<octave upC<C<C
>octave downC>C>C
$repeat play after this markC$DE
Nnsound a tone specified 1-255 (same as BEEP command)N10N5
'end of musicC'DE

senior commands

CLVclear (set to zero) variables and array variables Alias:CLEARCLV
CLKclear key buffer and key statusCLK
CLOinitialize the input and output pinsCLO
ABS(num)return the absolute value?ABS(-2)
[num]array variables (from [0] to [101] 102 series variables) you can set in series using LET[0],1,2,3[3]=1
GOSUB linenum / RETURNmove to linenum and execute after this command when RETURN Abbreviation:GSB/RTN (nest limit:30)GOSUB 100
DEC$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return strings from num1 with beam specified num2 (you can omit num2)?DEC$(99,3)
#hexnumreturn the number specified in hexadecimal#FF
HEX$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return hexadecimal strings from num1 with beam specified num2 (you can omit num2)?HEX$(255,2)
`binnumreturn the number specified in binary number`1010
BIN$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return binary number strings from num1 with beam spcified num2 (you can omit num2)?BIN$(255,8)
x & yreturn x logical and y (bit calculation)?3&1
x | yreturn x logical or y (bit calculation)?3|1
x ^ yreturn x logical exclusive or y (bit calculation)?A^1
x >> yreturn x shift down y bits (bit calculation)?A>>1
x << yreturn x shift up y bits (bit calculation)?A<<1
~xreturn bit inverted x (bit calculation)?~A
STOPstop the programSTOP
CONTcontinue the same line or stop lineCONT
SOUND()return 1 if sound playing else 0?SOUND()
FREE()return free memory of program (up to 1024 bytes)?FREE()
VER()return the version number of IchigoJam BASIC?VER()
LANG()return the language number of IchigoJam BASIC(1:Japanese 2:Mongol, 3:Vietnam)?LANG()
RENUM {num1{,num2}}renumber the line number of program from num1 step num2 (num1:10 if omit, you have to change manually line number specified in GOTO/GOSUB)RENUM
LRUN {num}LOAD num and RUNLRUN 1
FILE()return the number of last using FILE?FILE()
LINE()return the line number of last execution?LINE()
SRND numinitialize the seed of random/td>SRND 0
HELPdisplay the memory mapHELP
PEEK(num)read 1 byte number from the memory in address specified num2?PEEK(#700)
POKE num1,num2write 1 byte num1 specified to the memory in address specified num2POKE #700,#FF
COPY num1,num2,num3memory copy from num1 to num2 length specified num3 (if num3 is minus, copy direction is inverted)COPY #900,0,256
CLPinitialize the character pattern memory (#700-#7FF)CLP
"strings"return the address of strings on the memoryA="ABC"
STR$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return strings from address specified num1 (num2:length you can omit)PRINT STR$(A)
LEN("strings")return the length of stringsPRINT LEN("ABC")
@labelPut in front of the line, you can as destination line number (type GOTO @LOOP)@LOOP
VIDEO num1,num2switch the video signal enabled or disabled (num0:0 disabled 1 enable[F8] 2 invert black and white, num2:when num0 is 0 clock down mode clock=1/num2)VIDEO 0
RESETreboot the IchigoJamRESET
SLEEPsleep the IchigoJam (after push the button, execute and run file 0)SLEEP
UART num1{,num2}set UART mode (num1 0:off 1:with PRINT 2:with PRINT/LC/CLS/SCROLL 3:with PRINT and enter code is \r\n, initial value:2) (num2-0:UART recv off 1:on initial value:1)UART 0
BPS numset UART speed (0:115,200bps -1:57600bps -2:38400bps or 9600 and so on ... initial value:0)BPS 9600
I2CR(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)read from I2C device num1:I2C address, num2:address of command, num2:length of command, num4:address of return data, num5:length of return dataR=I2CR(#50,#700,2,#702,2)
I2CW(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)write to I2C device num1:I2C address, num2:address of command, num2:length of command, num4:address of return data, num5:length of return dataR=I2CW(#50,#700,2,#702,2)
USR(address,num)call program written in machine language (easy to freeze the IchigoJam)A=USR(#700,0)