IchigoJam BASIC reference ver 1.2 (extracted)

basic commands

LED numlight on the LED when n equals 1, light off when n equals 0LED 1
WAIT num{,num2}wait n frames (60frame = 1sec) (if num2 eqauls 0 low power consumption mode, if num1 is minus short wait mode -261 same as WAIT1)WAIT 60
:series the commandsWAIT 60:LED 1
RUNexecute program in memory [F5]RUN
LIST {linenum1{,linenum2}}show the program in memory [F4] (line num1: show the line, if minus to the line / line num2: show to the line, if 0 to the end / ESC to stop)LIST 10,300
GOTO linenumchange the execution line (it's OK as using variables)GOTO 10
ENDend this programEND
IF num {THEN} command1 {ELSE command2}if num does not equals 0 execute command1, else execute command2 (you can ommit THEN / ELSE)IF BTN() END
BTN({num})return 1 if you push the botton, else 0 (num:0(embeded button)/UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT/SPACE, 0:no num)LED BTN()
NEWdelete all program in the memoryNEW
PRINT {num or strings}write the letter or nunmber to the screen (strings must surround ["], connect pars with [;]) Abbreviation:?PRINT "HI!"
LOCATE x,yset the position to write (if y equals -1 no write mode) Abbreviation:LCLOCATE 3,3
CLSclear the screenCLS
RND(num)return the random number 0 to num - 1PRINT RND(6)
SAVE {num}save the program (num:0-3, 100-227:optional EEPROM, if omit using number)SAVE 1
LOAD {num}load the program (num:0-3, 100-227:optional EEPROM, if omit using number)LOAD
FILES {num1{,num2}}show the file list from num1 to num2 (all if num1 equals 0, ESC to stop)FILES
BEEP {num1{,num2}}sound the BEEP, num1 is period(1-255), num2:length(1/60sec) (you can omit num1 and num2) *to connect the sounder on SOUND(EX2)-GNDBEEP
PLAY {mml}play the music specified mml as MML(Music Macro Language) just PLAY to stop the music *to connect the sounder on SOUND(EX2)-GNDPLAY "$CDE2CDE2"
x + yreturn x plus yPRINT 1+1
x - yreturn x minus yPRINT 2-1
x * yreturn x times yPRINT 7*8
x / yreturn integer of x divide yPRINT 9/3
x % yreturn reminder of x divide yPRINT 10%3
(num)return calculate the number in priorityPRINT 1+(1*2)
LET var,numset the number to 1 letter of alphabet as named memory(variable) (series put to the array) Abbreviation:var=numLET A,1
INPUT strings,varset the number to var from keyboard input (you can omit strings and comma)INPUT "ANS?",A
TICK()return the time count from CLT(count up in 1/60sec)PRINT TICK()
CLTclear the time countCLT
INKEY()return from keyboard or UART (0:no input, #100:0 input from UART)PRINT INKEY()
CHR$(num)In PRINT, return the letter string specified the num (you can set series with comma)PRINT CHR$(65)
ASC("string")return the letter code from stringPRINT ASC("A")
SCROLL numscroll the screen (0/UP:up、1/RIGHT:right、2/DOWN:down、3/LEFT:left)SCROLL 2
SCR({x,y})return the letter code located x, y on the screen (if omit x and y, using current position) Alias:VPEEKPRINT SCR(0,0)
x = yreturn 1 if x equals y else 0 (Alias:==)IF A=B LED 1
x <> yreturn 1 if x does not equal y else 0 (Alias:!=)IF A<>B LED 1
x <= yreturn 1 if x <= y, else 0IF A<=B LED 1
x < yreturn 1 if x < y else 0IF A<B LED 1
x >= yreturn 1 if x >= y else 0IF A>=B LED 1
x > yreturn 1 if x < y else 0IF A>B LED 1
x AND yreturn 1 if x and y else 0 (Alias:&&)IF A=1 AND B=1 LED 1
x OR yreturn 1 if x or y else 0 (Alias:||)IF A=1 OR B=1 LED 1
NOT xreturn 1 if x equals 0 else 0 (Alias:!)IF NOT A=1 LED 1
REMnot execute after this command (comment) Abbreviation:'REM START
FOR var=num1 TO num2 {STEP num3} / NEXTset num1 to var, execute the loop to the NEXT until var reach num2 by step num3 (you can omit STEP, nest limit:6)FOR I=0 TO 10:?I
IN({num})return 1 if when input terminal pin is high else 0 (num:0-11 (IN0/1/4/9 pull up, IN5-8,10-11:if switched, IN0,9:button), you can get all states when you omit num)LET A,IN(1)
ANA({num})return the value 0-1023 specified voltage of input terminal (2:IN2, 5-8:IN5-8(OUT1-4), 0,9:BTN, 0:omitted)?ANA()
OUT num1{,num2}output num2 to the output port specified num1 (num1:OUT1-11, you can set all states when you omit num2, if num2 equals -1 the output pot switch into the input port)OUT 1,1
PWM num1,num2{,num3}output num2(0.01msec) length pulse in num3(if omit 2000) period to the output port specified num1 (num1:OUT2-5, OUT2-4 same period)PWM 2,100

senior commands

CLVclear (set to zero) variables and array variables Alias:CLEARCLV
CLKclear key buffer and key statusCLK
CLOinitialize the input and output pinsCLO
ABS(num)return the absolute value?ABS(-2)
[num]array variables (from [0] to [101] 102 series variables) you can set in series using LET[0],1,2,3[3]=1
GOSUB linenum / RETURNmove to linenum and execute after this command when RETURN Abbreviation:GSB/RTN (nest limit:30)GOSUB 100
DEC$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return strings from num1 with beam specified num2 (you can omit num2)?DEC$(99,3)
HEX$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return hexadecimal strings from num1 with beam specified num2 (you can omit num2)?HEX$(255,2)
BIN$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return binary number strings from num1 with beam spcified num2 (you can omit num2)?BIN$(255,8)
x & yreturn x logical and y (bit calculation)?3&1
x | yreturn x logical or y (bit calculation)?3|1
x ^ yreturn x logical exclusive or y (bit calculation)?A^1
x >> yreturn x shift down y bits (bit calculation)?A>>1
x << yreturn x shift up y bits (bit calculation)?A<<1
~xreturn bit inverted x (bit calculation)?~A
STOPstop the programSTOP
CONTcontinue the same line or stop lineCONT
SOUND()return 1 if sound playing else 0?SOUND()
FREE()return free memory of program (up to 1024 bytes)?FREE()
LRUN {num}LOAD num and RUNLRUN 1
FILE()return the number of last using FILE?FILE()
LINE()return the line number of last execution?LINE()
SRND numinitialize the seed of random/td>SRND 0
PEEK(num)read 1 byte number from the memory in address specified num2?PEEK(#700)
POKE num1,num2write 1 byte num1 specified to the memory in address specified num2POKE #700,#FF
COPY num1,num2,num3memory copy from num1 to num2 length specified num3 (if num3 is minus, copy direction is inverted)COPY #900,0,256
CLPinitialize the character pattern memory (#700-#7FF)CLP
STR$(num1{,num2})In PRINT, return strings from address specified num1 (num2:length you can omit)PRINT STR$(A)
LEN("strings")return the length of stringsPRINT LEN("ABC")
RESETreboot the IchigoJamRESET
SLEEPsleep the IchigoJam (after push the button, execute and run file 0)SLEEP
UART num1{,num2}set UART mode (num1 0:off 1:with PRINT 2:with PRINT/LC/CLS/SCROLL 3:with PRINT and enter code is \r\n, initial value:2) (num2-0:UART recv off 1:on initial value:1)UART 0
BPS numset UART speed (0:115,200bps -1:57600bps -2:38400bps or 9600 and so on ... initial value:0)BPS 9600
I2CR(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)read from I2C device num1:I2C address, num2:address of command, num2:length of command, num4:address of return data, num5:length of return dataR=I2CR(#50,#700,2,#702,2)
I2CW(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5)write to I2C device num1:I2C address, num2:address of command, num2:length of command, num4:address of return data, num5:length of return dataR=I2CW(#50,#700,2,#702,2)
USR(address,num)call program written in machine language (easy to freeze the IchigoJam)A=USR(#700,0)